Kunta Kinteh (the Roots tour)

Tour with private guide in The Gambia

Tour duration: full day

You can learn about more then 300 years of slave trade history at this UNESCO place. We will visit not only Fort James but also also villages Juffureh and Albreda. The two villages Alex Hoiley talked about in his best selling book Roots.

There are two ways how you can get this tour. Either by car or by boat.

Itinerary (by car)

Itinerary (by boat)

What is included in the price

This is your private tour. If you want to customize it, just let me know.

Make reservation

Optional but we can use WhatsApp for easier communication once you are in The Gambia. Please fill your phone number with phone code.
Do you have some special requirement?

If you are interested in this tour, please fill the booking form. I will contact you (on e-mail) and confirm the booking with you. Price depends on number of persons and I will agree with you on final price through email. The payment will be settled in cash once we meet.

* Please provide all necessary information.

Meet Yankuba

Your private guide in The Gambia



Hello there! I'm Yankuba, a local tour guide from the country of The Gambia. I have an unbreakable bond with my homeland, and I love to guide people through its wonders. The rich culture, stunning landscapes, and fascinating history of The Gambia are my passions, and I want to share them with visitors from all corners of the world.

If you have any question, just write me at yankubatours@gmail.com or contact me on WhatsApp +220 301 0393